Yesterday I made a bunch of cake pops for a little get-together I'm going to tomorrow night. I had my camera ready and captured the process. So, today, I'd like to let you all in on the secret of cake pops! I used some leftover cake from gourmet cupcakes. (tutorial in a couple of days!) But you can use any baked cake you have.
First, crumble the cake into a big bowl. We had leftover frosting from the cupcakes too, so we just used that to moisten the cake crumbs. You can use frosting, Nutella, or whatever you have laying around, as long as it gets to a consistency that will get firm when chilled. The mixture should hold together when you squeeze it. Chill the goopy mess, then scooped it out with a little ice cream scoop.
Roll the portions in your hands to make them round, them put them in the freezer for a few minutes to harden. While the balls are in the freezer, melt a few squares of almond bark in a coffee cup. Take the cake balls out of the freezer and set them on the counter.
Dip a lolly pop stick into the chocolate and push it into the cake ball. The chocolate sets in about 30 seconds since the cake is chilled. Once the stick is set, it won't fall off so easily when you dip them. Dip the whole cake pop into the chocolate to cover the cake.
Gently tap the stick on the side of cup to shake off some excess chocolate. If you tap too hard, the whole cake ball will fall into the chocolate! But hey, you get to eat your mistakes, so tap away! Once the extra chocolate is off, you'll want to press the stick into something to hold it upright while it dries.
I used a piece of foam that I had laying around. I got it in the crafting section of Walmart, but you can find them anywhere. If you want to spruce up the cake pops, sprinkle them with your favorite sprinkles before they dry.You're going to want to hide these if you made them for a certain event, they don't last long! I'm looking forward to playing around with different flavors and fillings! Happy baking!
My goodness...the things you come up with are amazing! I'm salivating already!
ReplyDeleteSoooo yummy and cute! AND I will send u Lana's address today. =)