Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Beautifully Snowy May

 What do you do when you love winter and all of it's beauty, but have a May wedding planned? Have a winter themed May wedding of course! My sister loves winter... the snow, the ice, the hockey. She was in heaven when she met a Canadian, realizing that they have more of all of that than we do in MN. For their May wedding, my sister planned a big winter theme... there were pine trees everywhere, Christmas lights, and a snowflake cake! The cake was frosted with buttercream. The snowflakes were made with royal icing.

 The snowflakes were very fragile. I piped them onto parchment paper and let them dry for a few days. Once the cake was set up at the reception site, I pressed them into the side of the cake.

My sister got married two days before my son's first birthday. The top tier never got cut, and since they were moving to Canada shortly after the wedding, we ended up with the extra cake! Instead of making another cake for my son's birthday, I refrosted it orange and did a quick little basketball thing! Easiest birthday cake ever!

1 comment:

  1. Way to make the best wedding cake ever! The snowflakes were so cool! That's funny to the b-day cake b/c I totally forgot that you'd told me that.
