Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cowboy Hat

 Every year growing up, our family would spend two or three weeks in Montana. Both of my parents grew up out there, and we'd go see our extended family and see what the boondocks were really like. My dad grew up in a tiny little town in the middle of ranch country. He worked on a very large cattle ranch riding horses for months at a time and countless other cowboy things. (see any old black and white cowboy movie for reference)
 Dad has been in civilization since leaving for college, but still finds excuses to wear leather cowboy hats and one of those long leather duster jackets. Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty awesome that my dad grew up in the wild west. (He remembers a shootout on main street.)
 For some reason, I always seem to have time around my dad's birthday to make a fun cake. That doesn't happen for everyone in my family, but my dad always seems to luck out. One year, we made this little cowboy hat. It's sitting on a fondant hankie that says, "You can take the boy from Montana, but you can't take Montana from the boy!"
You know just how true that is when you see a pastor in rural MN wearing a nice cowboy hat and a trail duster in to church on Sunday morning... Still, I'm proud of him, and would proudly be seen with my pastor/cowboy dad any day!


  1. I'd be proud to be seen with my Daddy too!

  2. This is just as unreal as the real estate building you make!!!! So creative....but then you've been making pies and cakes since you were about 4 haven't you?

  3. Close! I was in the paper for the pies at 8, so 4 might be close!
