Monday, April 18, 2011

Gourmet Cupcake Cake

 A couple of years ago, a couple from my church asked me to to their small cake and cupcakes for every guest at their wedding. While we were figuring out the design for their cupcakes, I got over excited and promised to make chocolate, edible liners for the cupcakes... I have no idea why. How are you supposed to bake a cupcake in a melty chocolate liner? It took a good two weeks to figure out how to make them, no joke. I can't tell you how I did it, or I'd have to kill you... I'm planning to get rich off of them!
 My gourmet cupcakes have edible chocolate liners, cake, filling, more cake, and frosting. They're super rich, especially when you top them off with chocolate curls!

This cake has 30 of the gourmet cupcakes put together and frosted over top of them to make a surface that can be decorated. It was made for a family get together for my husband's family. He had an aunt and an uncle celebrating big birthdays.
 These particular cupcakes are a chocolate fudge cake, Nutella for filling, and Nutella again for the writing and scroll work. If you've never had Nutella before, you're life has a large void... It's the best stuff on earth! It's good on toast, as cake filling, and off the back of a spoon. You'll find it by the peanut butter in your grocery store, or in half gallons at Costco... we go to Costco!

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