Saturday, April 16, 2011

Curious George

 With this cake, I learned one very important lesson... don't ask a four year old what kind of cake she wants for her birthday! To her credit, my little princess thinks that I can make anything out of cake. She also thinks that daddy can fix absolutely anything. It's a great ego booster I must say! A few months before her birthday, we discovered the Curious George movie. It's super cute! We must have watched it every day. Anyway, one day, 2 or 3 weeks before her birthday, I asked the princess what kind of cake she wanted. Without hesitation, she said "Curious George". I thought, "How bad could that be? Paint a Curious George on a little cake and call it a day!" Not so much. She went on to describe a life-sized 3D cake that replicated exactly a certain scene in the movie. I know I could have talked her into something more simple, but I began to see it as a challenge! It took a long time to figure out how to make a cake into a monkey. I ended up getting most of my supplies at Menards. I'd never shopped there for cake stuff before!
 The skeletal system is a bunch of PVC piping and little boards. His arms and legs are made of rice cereal treats. The body and head are cake. The whole cake was covered with flesh colored fondant, then another layer of chocolate fondant. We got to get messy with painting the "walls" just like George did in the movie.

We had the family over for dinner and cake on my princess' birthday, and all of the kids loved the cake! The best part? My niece, who is just younger than my little girl, had a piece of cake in front of her and said, "Daddy! I'm eating monkey brains!"

So, from now on, I know better than to ask what kind of cake my kids want!

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