Monday, April 18, 2011

Big Rivalry

 Anyone who has lived in either Minnesota or Wisconsin... or every watched football, knows that there is a standing rivalry between our states. The game between the Vikings and the Packers causes friends to become enemies, family to be shunned, and otherwise placid people to erupt into heated debates. So, when our church group decided to get together for the game, I figured we'd need a distraction from the rivalry so no one would embarrass themselves and leave the church...

Nothing distracts a bunch of guys like a sexy cheerleader, and cake. And, since I am in no shape to squeeze myself into a cheerleading outfit, I opted for the cake. Our group is about half Vikings fans and half Packers fans, so there was no way I could get away with just a Vikings cake. So, in the spirit of friendship and togetherness, I made a cake for each side. Each helmet was made with stacks of 10" round cakes. The stacks were carved into helmet shapes, frosted and covered with fondant. I love the football in between the helmets. I was able to make it look just like a real pigskin by pressing toule onto the finished cake.

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