I loved this cake! I was cruising Craigslist for cake jobs, and came across a lady who had a wedding planning business out of her home. She was looking for a dummy cake for her display area and would give business to anyone who gave her a display cake. I was the only baker who volunteered. Over a couple of years time, I got 4 or 5 cakes out of it. One of the cakes she got me was for the niece of the owner of the Woullet bakeries. He owns 5 bakeries, all in very expensive parts of the twin cities. As it turns out, she had worked there in high school and college, and was tired of the way they tasted! So, my cake was served to the guy who made my wedding cake, and a large percentage of the wedding cakes made in the twin cities!
Anyway... back to this cake! It's actually styrofoam rounds covered in gum paste. The gum paste dries hard like porcelain, so it won't get gouges in it once it's dry. The pansies around the tiers are hand painted with royal icing. The other tiers are more plain, with just the little dots along the bottom. The black ribbon around each tier adds sophistication, and the crystals coming out the top add a bunch more fun!
I heard that the wedding planner ended up going out of business, so I called her to ask for the dummy cake back. I could rent it out for weddings, or display it in my own house for clients. She said that it had faded and they threw it away. I was a little up set! It was beautiful! Oh well, I can do it again if I want to!
very pretty !!!!!