Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Chocolate Strawberries

 I know this isn't a cake, but I don't care! I don't know of very many people who don't like chocolate covered strawberries. The first time I made the tuxedo strawberries is a time I won't forget... I had a few friends over to make over 300 of them the night before I got married. That's right, no going out and partying... we stayed in and made a ton of strawberry tuxedos as favors for my wedding. It was all worth it though. I got a ton of compliments on them!
 When my sister graduated from high school, I came up with chocolate strawberries with mortar boards. I don't remember how many I made! They were super cute! I've done these for a bunch of people since. The tassels can be any color to match the school's colors.

Last summer, I was asked to do a graduation cake, and given total freedom on the design! I love when that happens! I went out to the strawberry patch in the back yard and got a leaf, and used it as a guide to make fondant leaves for the cake. I made the flower petals out of fondant too. Then I put a bunch of mortar board strawberries among the leaves and flowers, making a strawberry patch! It turned out really cute!

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